Financial Reports

MC December 2023 Financial Reports

MC December 2022 Financial Reports

MC December 2021 Heritage Account

MC December 2021 General Account

MC June 11, 2021 - Financial Reports

MC December 31, 2020

MC June 11, 2020 - Heritage

MC June 11, 2020 - Columbarium

MC Dec 31, 2018, General and Heritage Accounts

MC Sept 12, 2018

MC 2017

2017 Heritage Investment Policy

MC 2016

MC 2015

MC 2002 - 2009 ex. 2008

The Cemetery has four (4) bank accounts:


    1. General Account: The money in this account pays the operational, maintenance, and project costs.  

    2. Heritage Account: The money earned on this account is transferred to the General Account.

    3. Perpetual Care Fund: The money earned on this account is transferred to the General Account.  

    4. Digital Donation Account:  This account accepts donations made digitally from a credit card or bank account.  These donations are transferred to the Heritage Account for addition to investments that ultimately provide income that is transferred to the General Account.

The General Account pays for the upkeep of the cemetery, leveling gravesites, maintaining markers and monuments, cutting grass, trimming trees, and removing trash, etc.  To make a cheque donation to this account, write General Account on the cheque and mail it to Treasurer, Jennifer Moore, 7090 Perth Line 86, Listowel, ON, N4W 3G6 CANADA.  You will receive a receipt for tax filing that is accepted in either Canada or the US.

Earnings from the Heritage Account and the Perpetual Care Fund support the operation of the Cemetery.  To make a cheque donation to the Heritage Account, write Heritage Account on the cheque and mail it to Treasurer, Jennifer Moore, 7090 Perth Line 86, Listowel, ON, N4W 3G6 CANADA.  You will receive a receipt for tax filing that is acceptable in either Canada or the US.